martes, 12 de julio de 2011

How to share pictures from Iphone to Google + (before the app is published, that is!)

First time you upload a picture using instant upload from and android phone Picasa creates a folder called “Instant uploads” that you can use from then on to upload pictures from anywhere (android, desktop OR Iphone).

The beauty is that instant uploads appear in the “Share” window as a new icon to the left of pictures.

If you access your Google + using Iphone with the “Desktop” mode you can click on the picture and share it with your circles.

So this is how you do it:

  • You need to use an android phone, you can use somebody else’s but you will need to add your google account under “account” and uninstall and install again Google + app (I was not able to change the account from the app).
  • You have to enable instant uploads and then you have to take a picture with the phone. Voilà, your “instant upload” folder has been created.

Now you can revert all changes made to the android phone and go back to your Iphone.

  • You will need any app that lets you upload to Picasa folders, I am using Web Albums. Once configured, you take a picture and then upload it to the “Instant upload” folder (I suggest commenting the picture on upload rather than when sharing, you will know why soon.
  • Then you can access G+ from your iphone, go to the bottom of the page and choose “Desktop” rather than “Mobile”.
In the share window you will see the new icon and will be able to share pictures with your circles. Problem is, you cannot actually write in the “Share” box using the desktop mode from an Iphone, that’s why you should comment on the picture before uploading. Nevertheless I keep two different favourites, one for Desktop mode and one for mobile mode.

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